A Reminder Haiti Still Needs Our Prayers

Good afternoon everyone,

I am just sending a reminder while Haiti is under reconstructions and their basic needs are being looked after. We must  always remember what role the church plays in the life all communities, especially those affected by Disasters. These are usually Vulnerable people, so our prayers must also include them. As Christians these words must be the cornerstone of our prayer and mission.” What example would Christ set for us to follow if he was here”. We need to become the Simon Peters and feed his sheep. Not only physically but spiritually.  

It took years for Anel* and wife Islande to build up their subsistence farm in St Jean du Sud, Haiti; and one night for it all to be destroyed.

Anel remembers vividly the events of 4th October 2016. ‘Around 2am people started shouting that the hurricane was about to come. We were in the house, the roof was getting unstable – we went next door, and as soon as we went, the roof flew off.’

Although the family was safe, their entire livelihood was destroyed. ‘We grow coconuts and plantains,’ Islande explains. ‘We normally keep half to eat and sell the other half. But ever since the hurricane, the garden is destroyed. Now we have nothing.’

Anel and Islande with their family.

Road to recovery
Although Islande and Anel plan to work on their garden once the land dries out, it will be several months before they can reap a harvest. The house too remains in a desperate state. ‘The rain comes in and everything gets wet,’ explains Anel. ‘The children lost all their school materials, and now we don’t know how we can pay their school fees.’

Islande is also worried about her children’s health. ‘I don’t know if my kids will get sick because they got so wet the whole night and next day. I don’t sleep much,’ she adds, ‘I worry about what I am going to feed the children.’

Kitted out
Through World Concern, a Tearfund partner, emergency food kits were quickly provided to families in need. ‘When I received the kit, I was finally able to cook for the family,’ recalls Islande. ‘I think I thanked you all about five times,’ Anel adds. ‘It was really a very big blessing!’

Your generous gifts have enabled us to respond quickly in some of Haiti’s most vulnerable and remote communities. As we conclude our emergency phase, and move into early recovery, we will continue to work in St Jean du Sud, supporting families like Islande and Anel’s.

*All names have been changed


·         Pray for Anel, Islande and their four children as they continue to work and rebuild their lives.

·         Ask for wisdom for those working on the ground in Haiti in identifying how and where funds should be spent.

·         Give thanks to God for the work of World Concern, and pray for all those working to bring hope and help to those in need.

One Voice

We pray because we’re desperate for God – to walk with him… in step with his will for the world.

 Marcus A Clarke BSC (Hons) OSHE

Safety Manager

Acuitas Caribbean Limited

32 Cascade Main Road, Cascade, Trinidad. W.I.

Tel:628-9773/628-3435 Fax: 868-622-6564

Mobile: 868-762-6769

e.mail: mac@acuitascaribbean.com

Website: www.acuitascaribbean.com