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Anglican Diocese of Trinidad & Tobago Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop
Anglican Diocese of Trinidad & Tobago Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop
Last year our region suffered some of the largest, hurricanes in history of the Region. We as a Diocese suffered from major flooding. Many of our neighbours are still battling the effects and recovery for some has been very quick while for others it’s going to take a longer time.
As a diocese we have been able to send relief items to our neighbours and including our own parishes.
This was fantastic effort by our Diocese, three containers being sent. So what is next for us as a region?
The next step for us is the first Regional workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction to mitigate and build up Resilience, throughout our region. This venture has the support both from The Most Reverend Dr John W.D. Holder Archbishop of the Providence (ret) has given full support Region to have this workshop. Also Anglican Alliance who has funded 90% of the workshop as well as sending the world class facilitators as their Bio’s indicates.
The date for this week long workshop is from the 18th 22nd June 2018 from 8-4pm. However there is an option for those who would like to stay overnight.
The location of the workshop is St John Vianney at Mount St. Benedict where by the meals will be provided as well as all course materials. The cost for those who will not be staying overnight will be Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) where as the persons who opt to stay overnight the cost will be Fifteen Hundred Dollars($1500.00) and non-Anglicans.
Who should attend this workshop?
- Person who keep records for the church and vestries.
- Person who are responsible for social responsibility
- Mother’s Union leadership and membership as they can be Agents of Change.
- ACMS, as a way to recruit and develop news skills.
- The youth as they will give them life skills that they can use to develop leadership skills.
- Parish Safety Officers must attended.
- The evangelist, since this program requires going into your community and see the needs of your community. Develop your ability to response to disaster before during and after. Make your church the centre of your community.
- Developing proper Emergency Communication in crisis time.
- Persons responsible for Building Maintenance.
- Bible Study groups and Evangelist.
- Office staff.
Workshop Goals:
Develop a locally-owned vision and action plan for building and equipping DRRM capacity in the respective charges with a work plan (measurable and time-bound). Management team, budget, achievable benchmarks and monitoring/accompaniment strategy
Process and adopt a collective mandate, passion and theological grounding for Disaster Risk Reduction & Management (DRRM)
Exploring Theology and our call to this work as church leaders to fully embrace objectives related to building DRRM capacity
Learn from a panel of community experts how imperative it is to work collaboratively with the rest of society and basic first steps on engagement and include networking activities in the post-workshop diocesan next steps
Understand the need to protect the most vulnerable in disaster contexts and develop a safe environment, and contextualize existing tools to be ready-to-use during disaster incidences
Demonstrated through pre-and post-training assessments re: their perceptions of the importance of DRRM work for their dioceses
Understand, practice and achieve familiarity with available tools and resources to grow DRRM strategies
Establish and adopt common vocabulary for DRR and Disaster response
Understand asset-based methodology and the importance of gift-recognition, and diocesan teams to identify and map existing resources
Learn how to and practice Assessing Risk in their local contexts
Demonstrated through pre- and post-training assessments of available tools and then monitoring use of existing tools over the following year
Develop skills to prepare and respond to disasters
Learn how to respond effectively with feeding and sheltering interventions
Learn how to Assess Risk, and practice mapping exercises
Understanding Pastoral Care and mental health care in a disaster context and how the church can effectively respond using these interventions
Demonstrated through evaluation of disaster responses in these dioceses over the coming three years
Dr Janice Proud
As relief manager for the Anglican Alliance since 2013, Janice Proud has supported local churches around the Anglican Communion as they respond to emergencies, including helping them to connect with the worldwide church for prayer and support, and to work within their capacity and to focus on the most vulnerable, those left behind. Through this work she has learnt of the difference that resilience and disaster preparedness can make to the impact an emergency has on communities and individuals. From this and nine years working with the young Anglican Church in Ethiopia, she is passionate about the need to build the capacity of the local church to prepare for and respond to emergencies. The church is part of the community, before an emergency, from the initial response to the recovery and after other organisations has left. But it does not always have the knowledge and skills to be a valued leader and partner in preparedness and response.
Naba Gurung
Naba Gurung has been involved in international development sector for over two decades. Naba currently coordinates humanitarian relief and recovery program of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, based in Toronto, Canada. Naba works closely with ecumenical agencies such as ACT Alliance and Canadian Foodgrains Bank, and he also relates to Anglican Alliance. He is serving as a Vice-Chair of Program Advisory Committee of International Development Program at Centennial College in Toronto, and is a member of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP).
Naba Gurung
Development and Humanitarian Response Coordinator
80 Hayden St, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2
Tell: (1) (416) 924-9199 Extension 321 (direct)
(1) (416) 924- 9192 Extension 321 (Switchboard)
(1) (647) 444- 0044 (Cell)
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Nagulan Nesiah
Nagulan Nesiah joined Episcopal Relief & Development over 11 years ago from the staff of the Diocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka, where he helped oversees the post-tsunami relief and recovery plans of the Church. Using that experience, Nagulan has led Episcopal Relief &Development’s disaster risk reduction sectoral strategy, including facilitating the process that led to the ‘Pastors and Disasters’ Toolkit, a contextual resource to assist the organization’s partners and their target communities build their resilience to disasters. Nagulan currently serves as Senior Program Officer for Disaster Response and Risk Reduction, coordinating the organization’s international emergency responses while continuing to manage community development activities in a portfolio of countries. He is based in Sri Lanka.
Nagulan Nesiah
Senior Programme Officer, Disaster Response and Risk Reduction
Episcopal Relief & Development | 815 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017
D: +1.646.427.6611 | T: +1.855.312.HEAL (4325) | F:+1.212.687.5302 | | Facebook/Twitter: Episcopal Relief
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The Rev’d Clive Thomas
The Rev’d Clive Thomas has been a priest for the past 21 years. He entered the field of disaster management in Grenada in 2003 when he became the District Disaster Management Coordinator for the district of South East St George. Rev’d Thomas guided his district through the recovery and rebuilding process after hurricane Ivan and later Hurricane Emily.
As part of the rebuilding process, he was very successful in establishing a very effective district disaster management committee and small community disaster management committees in all the communities in the district.
He received training locally in disaster management and also attended a training course in comprehensive community disaster management, in the British Virgin Islands where he received a certificate in Disaster Management. In 2006 he was certified by USAID/OFDA as a trainer in Shelter Management and as a Trainer of Trainers in Initial Damage Assessment.
Because of his effectiveness as a district disaster management coordinator, he was invited to attend planning meetings of Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA), now called Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), in Barbados and Jamaica.
Rev’d Thomas relocated to St Vincent in 2007 where he later became a canon in the Cathedral Church of St George, Kingstown and Archdeacon of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
In 2013 He relocated to Barbados where he is now the Rector of St Ambrose Parish; Chairman of the Social Justice and Advocacy Commission of the Diocese of Barbados, with responsibility for Disaster Management; and the Diocese of Barbados representative of the Anglican Alliance Caribbean Forum.
Rev’d Thomas held many other positions which are not relevant to be mentioned at this moment.
The Rev’d Fr. Clive E. Thomas Dip. PS, BA
Rector:- St Ambrose Anglican Church
278 Frangipani Close
Apple Drive
St Philip
(h) 246 571 9143
(c) 246 822 7743
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