Diocesan Regulations


Regulations of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Trinidad & Tobago as enacted by Synod 1964, amended up to May 2008 are available on this site. There have been several amendments since 2008 – the latest being by Synod 2014. In 2014 the Regulations were reprinted and the 2014 version, which contains all amendments up to 2014, is available at the Diocesan Office.

It is incumbent on every Vestry member in every Parish, and all who aspire to attain positions within the Parish and the Diocese, to make themselves aware of the Regulations of our Diocese.

Click the link below to download the 2008 regulations:

Diocesan Regulations 2008

Table of Contents

Church of England Incorporation Ordinance No.14 of 1930
Church of England in Trinidad and Tobago (Change of Name) Act No. 9 of 1966
Regulations of the Church of England in Trinidad and Tobago in the Province of the West Indies as enacted by Synod in 1964

Regulation 1: Of Interpretation, of Amendment and Citation
Regulation 2: Of the Bishop
Regulation 2A: Of the Coadjutor Bishop
Regulation 3: Of the Vicar-General
Regulation 4: Of the Clergy
Regulation 5: Of the Duties of the Clergy
Regulation 5A: Of the Clergy Council
Regulation 6: Of the Diocesan Court for the Trial of Priests/and Deacons, and of Judicial Proceedings
Regulation 7: Of the Laity
Regulation 8: Of the Synod
Regulation 8A: Of the Regional Council
Regulation 9: Of the Diocesan Council
Regulation 10: Of the Diocesan Committees and Officers of the Diocese and Synod
Regulation 11: Of the Diocesan Board of Finance
Regulation 11A: Of the Diocesan Programme Planning Unit
Regulation 12: Of the Boys’ Industrial School Committee
Regulation 13: Of the Tacarigua Orphan Home Committee
Regulation 14: Of the Missions Committee
Regulation 15: Of the Building and Lands Committee
Regulation 16: Of the Regulations Committee
Regulation 17: Of the Education Committee for Anglican Schools
Regulation 18: Of Vestries and Officers of the Congregation
Regulation 19: Of Lay Readers
Regulation 20: Of Maintenance and Finance of the Church
Regulation 20A: Of Loans and Advances to Vestries
Regulation 21: Of the Trustees and their Seal
Regulation 22: Of Buildings and Property
Regulation 23: Of Baptism
Regulation 24: Of Holy Matrimony
Regulation 25: Of the Holy Communion
Regulation 26: Of Patronage and Parishes
Regulation 27: Of Standing Orders