St. Catherine’s Girls’ Anglican Primary School

Name: St. Catherine’s Girls’ Anglican Primary School

District: Port of Spain and Environs

Name of Principal: Mrs. Gillian Emmauel Robertson (Senior Teacher Primary)

Manager (Parish Priest): The Very Rev’d Shelly Ann Tenia

Picture of the School:

Mailing Address: #143 Duke Street, Port of Spain

Telephone Number: 623-7341

Fax Number: 623-7341

Email Address:  [email protected]

St. Catherine Logo

Brief History: 

The St. Catherine’s Girls’ Anglican School is situated on 143 Duke Street, Port of Spain, and is placed under the Port of Spain and Environs Education District. It is further grouped among the Central Fraternity of nineteen primary schools in the area.

Records of the school go back to February 1919.  The head-teacher at that time was Miss L. Barber at that time the school was called Duke Street Girls’ E.C. School. The name of the school was subsequently changed to St. Catherine’s Girls’ Anglican School after St. Catherine of Sienna.

The school remained under the headship of Miss Lucille Belmontes for many years until her retirement in September 1982. Mrs. Marjorie Charles served as Principal during the period 1984 – 1988. Following her was Mrs. Margaret Clunis. Mrs. Shirley Adams took up her appointment in 1995 as Principal.  In June 2007, Ms. Jenny Archer was appointed Principal of the school until her untimely passing in January 2018.

St. Catherine Girls’ Anglican Primary School
St. Catherine Girls’ Anglican Primary School
St. Catherine Girls’ Anglican Primary School
St. Catherine Girls’ Anglican Primary School