REGULATION 10: Of the Diocesan Committees and Officers of the Diocese and Synod

1. (a) The following Standing Committees of the Council:

(i) Governing Body of the St. Michael School for Boys

(ii) Governing Body of the St. Mary’s Children’s Home

(iii) Missions

(iv) Buildings and Lands

(v) Education

(vi) Regulations

(vii) Board of Management/Development Projects

(viii) Board of Social Responsibility

(ix) Diocesan Communications Committee

shall be appointed by the Bishop in Council annually after the Annual Session of Synod.

(b) The Bishop in Council may appoint such other Committees as he may deem necessary or desirable.

(c) The Bishop in Council shall define the responsibilities of the Committees and shall appoint the members thereof.

(d) The Bishop, the Vicar-General, the Archdeacon, the Chancellor, the Registrar and the Diocesan Secretary shall be ex-officio members of each Committee.

(e) The Bishop shall nominate the Chairman and Secretary of each Committee and may preside at any meeting of any Committee.

(f) Persons who are not members of Synod may be appointed members of the Committees.

(g) The duties imposed on the respective Committees shall be those set out in these Regulations.

2. (a) There shall be a Chancellor and a Registrar appointed by the Bishop to hold office during his pleasure.

(b) If the See becomes vacant they shall continue in office until the next Bishop assumes the administration of the Diocese.

3. There shall be a Diocesan Secretary who shall perform such administrative duties as may be directed by the Bishop in Council; he shall also be Secretary of the Diocesan Council and of the Synod.

4. Synod in session shall approve the appointment of such persons as may be considered necessary to assist the Diocesan Secretary in the performance of his duties at Synod.

5. There shall be two (2) or more Diocesan Treasurers, who shall also be Trustees and responsible to the Bishop in Council for the management of the finances of the Diocese.

6. The Diocesan Secretary, the Diocesan Treasurers and Diocesan Property Adviser shall be appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Council.

7. An Auditor or Auditors shall be elected yearly by the Synod at the Annual Session.

8. (a) There shall be three (3) Diocesan Business Referees who shall be elected by the Bishop in Council annually at its first meeting after the annual session of Synod.

(b) The Referees shall individually or jointly advise the Diocesan Council and any Committee or Board or any officer of the Diocese, at his or their request, on any matter or problem arising in the course of the business of the Diocese, including the sale or purchase of investments or real estate, property developments or any business proposition.