REGULATION 18: Of Vestries and Officers of the Congregation

1. In this Regulation “Church Moneys” shall mean donations (other than Easter Offerings and Whitsun Offerings contained in special offering envelopes and the open collection on Easter Day and Whit-Sunday) Financial Stewardship Pledges, Church collections and Fees, Proceeds of Entertainments, Rents of Lands and buildings and Income from Invested Funds vested in the Incorporated Trustees in trust for the Parish.

2. (a) Subject to paragraph (h), at the annual meeting for the election of members of the Vestry the registered communicants of each Parish shall elect not less than five (5) and not more than fourteen (14) persons, who together with the incumbent and Church Wardens of each such respective Parish, shall form the Vestry thereof.

(b) The Lay Representatives to the Synod shall be selected from those members chosen to serve on that Vestry.

(c) Assistant Curates shall be ex-officio members of the Vestry of the Parish in which they serve.

(d) Vacancies in the course of the year may be filled by the Incumbent.

(e) Persons elected to be members of the Vestry must be communicants in good standing who have reached the age of eighteen (18) years.

(f) The Annual Meeting of which fourteen (14) days’ notice shall be given, shall be held not later than March 31st annually for the election of the Vestry and Lay Representatives.

(g) If for any cause the holding of the annual meeting be delayed, the Bishop may sanction the holding thereof at a later date.

(h) Where a Parish consists of more than one congregation an annual congregational meeting may be held for each congregation for the purpose of electing members from that congregation to the Vestry. The number of members to be elected from each congregation shall be determined by the Vestry at a meeting to be held at least one month prior to the holding of the Annual Meeting.

3. The Church Wardens, who must be communicants in good standing, shall be appointed annually; one (1) by the Incumbent and the other by the Annual Meeting. Church Wardens shall be ex-officio members of the Vestry.

3A. (a) Where a Parish consists of one or more congregations the Vestry may annually appoint one of its members from each congregation to serve as an Assistant Church Warden for the respective congregation. The Vestry may revoke any such appointment for just cause.

(b) It shall be the duty of an Assistant Church Warden to assist the Rector and Vestry of the Parish in the work of the Church in his congregation.

4. (a) The Vestry should meet at least once every four (4) months and as required by the Incumbent or by any two (2) members. Such members shall give written notice in that behalf to the Incumbent who shall summon a meeting of the Vestry within seven (7) days.

(b) One-third (1/3) of the members shall form a quorum but in no case shall the quorum be less than three (3).

(c) The Chairman shall be the Incumbent or, if he is absent, the Assistant Priest/Curate if there be one, or the Incumbent’s Warden.

(d) At the first meeting of the Vestry after the Annual Meeting, the Vestry shall elect a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Auditor.

(e) The Auditor shall not be, but the Secretary and Treasurer may or may not be, a member of the Vestry. The Vestry may revoke any such appointment for just cause.

(f) The duties of the Auditor shall include the auditing of all Special Funds of the Parish.

5. (a) The Vestry shall be the guardians of all Church buildings, lands and other properties belonging to the Parish or District; shall effect the necessary repairs and insurance of all such buildings and make all necessary payments: Provided that no major repairs, alterations or erection of new buildings may be undertaken without prior approval in writing from the Diocesan Council.

(b) The Vestry shall administer the finances of the Parish in accordance with these regulations.

(c) The Vestry shall submit to the Diocesan Board of Finance and copy to the Regional Council a quarterly statement of the finances of the Parish in the form approved by the Diocesan Council not later than one (1) month following the end of each calendar quarter.

(d) The Vestry shall prepare and submit to the respective Regional Council for its consideration Programmes for the Mission of the Church in the Parish including: –

(i) Christian Education;

(ii) Adult Training;

(iii) Stewardship;

(iv) Youth;

(v) Social Outreach;

(vi) Church Extension, Evangelism, Ecumenism.

6. The duties of the Treasurer of the Vestry are:

(a) to receive all Church moneys and to make all payments sanctioned by the Vestry and to keep accounts in such form as may be required by the Council;

(b) to make up to the end of December each year and present to the Vestry an account of receipts and expenditure;

(c) to deliver to the Auditor a Revenue and Expenditure Account and a Balance Sheet for the previous calendar year and to place copies thereof before the annual meeting;

(d) to present the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure of the Parish for the ensuing calendar year to the Vestry for its approval before the 7th day of October in each year and to forward a copy of the same not later than the second Tuesday in November to the Diocesan Board of Finance.

7. The duties of the Secretary shall include the keeping of the Minute Book in which he shall enter the Minutes of every meeting of the Vestry, the names of the members present and a record of the business transacted at each meeting.