REGULATION 7: Of the Laity

(See Provincial Canon 26)

1. All baptised persons not being members of or in the habit of attending any place of worship of any religious body not in communion with the Anglican Church who claim to be members of the Anglican communion, shall be accepted as such.

2. No lay member of the Church shall have status as a “Communicant member” of the Church with such rights and privileges as belonging to a communicant unless, having had the opportunity to do so, he or she shall have received Holy Communion at least twelve (12) times in the year, of which Eastertide shall be one (1).

3. It is the bounden duty of every member of the Church to contribute generously and regularly of his time, talent and money to the mission, ministry, maintenance and extension of the work of the Church in proportion to his God given talents and financial means.

4. (a) Every member of the Church who is eighteen (18) years or over, or being less than eighteen (18) years is in receipt of an income, shall contribute to the work of the Church at home and overseas such sum as the member may determine bearing in mind the desirability of conforming to the biblical concept of tithing.

(b) Such contribution shall be called the Financial Stewardship Pledge and shall be in addition to any other offering or contribution which the member gives to the Church.

5. To qualify as an elector, a member of the Church must be a communicant who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years and has made and honoured the Financial Stewardship Pledge or has been excused from such payment by the Incumbent or Priest-in-charge of the Parish.