REGULATION 1lA: Of the Diocesan Programme Planning Unit

1. There shall be a Diocesan Programme Planning Unit (hereinafter in this Regulation called “the Unit”) constituted as follows:

(a) one (1) clergyman and one (1) lay person elected by each of the four (4) Regional Councils from among its members annually at its first meeting after the appointment of its members from the Vestries;

(b) two (2) clergymen of whom at least one (1) shall be a priest and two (2) lay persons elected by the Synod at its annual session;

(c) four (4) persons appointed by the Bishop annually immediately after the Annual Session of the Synod; and

(d) two (2) persons (who need not be members of Synod or the Diocesan Council) at its first meeting after the Annual Session of the Synod.

2. The Unit shall be empowered to co-opt as members not more than two (2) persons.

3. The Chairman of the Unit shall be appointed by the Bishop in Council.

4. Vacancies in the Unit among the appointed or elected members shall be filled by the person or body authorised to make the appointment or elect the member concerned.

5. The Chairman and in his absence a member selected by the meeting shall preside at a meeting of the Unit.

6. (a) At least one (1) meeting of the Unit shall be summoned for every month; provided that it shall not be necessary to summon a meeting for the months of August and December.

(b) One-third (1/3) of the members shall form a quorum.

7. The functions and duties of the Unit shall be:

(a) in consultation and partnership with the Regional Councils to act as an innovator within the Diocese, and particularly to initiate programmes in matters in which the Regional Councils are authorised to act;

e.g.; Christian Education, Adult Training, Stewardship, Youth, Social Outreach, and Church Extension and such other matters as it may from time to time deem fit;

(b) to be a liaison between the Regional Councils and the Bishop in Council;

(c) to coordinate programmes and planning of Regional Councils;

(d) to provide support and guidelines to the Director of Diocesan Training.

8. The Chairman of the Unit shall submit a monthly report of the work of the Unit to each regular meeting of the Diocesan Council.