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REGULATION 3: Of the Vicar-General
1. (a) The Coadjutor shall ex-officio be the Vicar-General.
(b) When there is no Coadjutor or when he is absent from the Diocese or is unable to discharge the duties of his office the Bishop shall appoint a Vicar-General.
(c) The Vicar-General shall have such authority and jurisdiction as the Bishop may direct.
2. During the absence of the Bishop from the Diocese or in the event of the Bishop being unable to discharge his office, or when the See is vacant the Vicar-General shall have the administrative authority and jurisdiction as the Bishop, save only the making of permanent appointments.
3. The Bishop may at any time revoke the appointment of the Vicar-General.
4. (a) In the case of the death or resignation of the Bishop, and if there is no Coadjutor, the person holding the office of Vicar-General shall retain office and authority until the Archbishop or the Senior Bishop shall have taken order for the administration of the Diocese.
(b) If there be no Vicar-General, the Archdeacon or failing him, the Dean shall act as Vicar-General pending receipt of directions from the Archbishop or the Senior Bishop.
5. In the case of the death or resignation of the Vicar-General during the absence of the Bishop, the Archdeacon or, failing him the Dean shall act as Vicar-General and report such death or resignation to the Bishop as soon as possible and call a meeting of the Diocesan Council.
6. In the case of the death or resignation of the Vicar-General when the See is vacant, the same procedure shall be followed as provided for in Paragraph 5, substituting Archbishop for the Bishop.