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Tag: Flood
Anglican Church Flood Assistance Survey
Anglican Church Flood Assistance Survey Do you believe the Anglican Church did enough to help the recent victims of floods in Trinidad? Take the survey below to give your opinion: [cs_promobox column_size=”8/1″ cs_promo_image_url1=”Browse” bg_repeat=”yes” text_align=”left” cs_link_title=”Read More” cs_link=”#”][/cs_promobox] Having trouble taking the survey on this page. Click the following link to take the…
Help Tropical Storm Bret Flood Victims
Sabrina Mowlah-Baksh of St Paul Anglican Church is coordinating a collection drive for flood victims of Tropical Storm Bret. The following items are requested: Foodstuff (canned stuff, rice, flour, macaroni) Bed sheets Towels Detergent Clorox Disinfectant Soap Dish-washing liquid Where do you drop off your donations? The collection points for these items is at St…