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North East Family Day 2016 – Champion Sunday!
North East Regional Council Family Day 2016
CHAMPION SUNDAY! What a Sunday! Sunday April 03, 2016. Most people in Trinidad and Tobago were in discussion about the day’s major event- Since both the West Indies Male and Female T20 Cricket Teams 2016 faced opponents in their respective finals, to gain cricket supremacy. Alternatively, North East Regional Council Family Day was being held at Toco Government Secondary School with the Rt. Revd. Claude Berkley, CMTT, Bishop of Trinidad and Tobago as the Chief Celebrant. “Tension in meh body, tension in meh soul” according to Shadow. But my Sunday focused on “Family Day”, therefore, Checklist – basket with goodies, hand bag, shac shac, tambourine. It’s off to answer a call to praise God with Musical instruments as Psalm 150 states……
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him accordingly to his excellent greatness.
On arrival at the St. Aidan’s compound, three (3) buses were in the line up, as the fourth bus with Maloney parishioners was joining us to journey convoy style to Toco.
Thanks again to Bro Sheppy of the Usher Ministry and the collaboration with the Police Service as seek to honour our commitment to service. Young Leader Kadi said the prayer in our vehicle and Officer Prince truly ensured our safety. Sounds of jubilations were raised while en route the news was received of the victory of the WI Women’s T20 Cricket Team. Praises were given to God and the Chant of Bravo’s Champion! Champion erupted spontaneously, jubilation and anxiety filled the air.
The journey to Toco provided an appreciation for the vegetation of the country side despite some areas being parched, and the lesson about the “balata” (fruit) that bears every four (4) years.
Descending into the car park of the Toco Secondary School there was a serenity and tranquility permeating the atmosphere. Stalls were attractively laid out in the surrounding, St. Aidan’s possé sought to utilize the tents located in the far western area of the School’s hall. Except for the fluctuation of the sound system and absentee of ushers, Canon Baldeo and members of the organizing committee of the North East Regional Council are to be complimented highly for their efforts. Thanks and appreciation to the Matron of the Sangre Grande Hospital former Sister Eutrice Alleyne (our local Florence nightingale) for her assistance to the parishioner that fainted.
The Revd. Canon Kenley Baldeo (Regional Dean) and the North East Regional Council scored a victory in having so many Anglicans attend a Family Day while such an historic event was occurring in India.
Thank you combined choir (North East Chorale) for the energetic, spirit-filled sing along and the rendering of the Psalm that attained a 7/10 grade from His Lordship. The Gospel as sung by Revd. Enrique Moore needed to be applauded as many of us Anglicans reminisced on past years when such was the practice. The Holy Gospel was instructive as the congregation was requested to transition from the state of Deep Fear to Deep Faith and emphasis on the thrust of “Working hard to make other happy” proved an apt introduction to the sermon delivered by His Lordship, the Rt. Revd. Claude Berkley.
The Sermon “Building a church of power” focused on EVANGELISM in the Anglican Church and provided seemingly an opportunity for His Lordship to vent.
The appeal was made for us Anglicans to engage and encounter each other because the maxim! One size does not fit all, is not applicable to the Anglican Church, His Lordship further appealed to the congregation to “care for our constituents “ and “build the church up while encouraging proposals” that statement caused me to chuckle a bit. However, when His Lordship stated” the church must be a n attractive option” my thinking was simply are we hearing? Or are we listening? Quite recently in discussion with a male- Anglican the Anglican church was referred to as the “VALIUM CHURCH”. Then I wished that that specific sermon was being recorded because it deserved a replay.
During the sermon His Lordship referred to his being summoned by the Bishop of Canterbury to address his participation in the Emancipation Day Celebration, a public non religious holiday in his homeland of Trinidad and Tobago. Is this a result of the repatriation issue as raised by the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on behalf of the Caricom States..
Of course, during the service the iPods and radios were in operation but cell phones were on vibrate and the news was announced by the His Lordship “Victory by the West Indies T20 team 2016.”
Then the ditty as sung then called Lord Kitchener “England, must understand we are the champions resonated in my head. On returning home I checked my What’s App and a pal asked if had seen the games My negative response included that I was attending Family Day at Toco. Resulted in a further reply “Are you kidding? My serenade in honour of the fait accompli “let everything that hath breath Praise the Lord, Praise ye the Lord, God, Jah, Jehovah – Champions! W.I . Women and Men T20 Team 2016 Champions!
Alana Taitt-Clarke
Parishioner at St. Aidan’s Arouca