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Archbishop to speak on ‘Repentance and Forgiveness’
- Published on May 25, 2017, 9:23 am AST
- By Michelle Loubon

Archbishop Joseph Harris
Harris’s sermon is a precursor to Thy Kingdom Come observances which span from Ascension Day (tomorrow) to Sunday, June 4 (Feast of Pentecost).
Interim Rector of the Holy Trinity Cathedral Fr Carl Williams told the Express Archbishop Harris will speak on “Repentance and Forgiveness”, and that it will take the format of an ecumenical service.
“Harris will expound upon the need to repent and to turn to God in prayer. He will stress the need for repentance and forgiveness,” he said.
Williams added: “On the road to Damascus, Saul had a transformation. He was Saul before he became Paul. He was a murderer.
“He turned out to become the greatest apostle of Jesus. Although you do something wrong and repent, you will be forgiven by Jesus. Peter denied Jesus. He was forgiven by Jesus.
“We are humans and we are subject to sin. Therefore we have to learn to love and forgive each other.”
Williams said Thy Kingdom Come was started by the Archbishops of Canterbury (Justin Welby) and York (John Sentamu) in Britain, and is a global practice.
“You can do it at any parish. People will be able to come to the cathedral in prayer and worship. It is a time to get people to know Jesus via prayer,” he said.
Another event at the Holy Trinity Cathedral will be the Feast of the Ascension tomorrow at 6 p.m.
Fr Williams said: “We are having a Holy Communion service to commemorate the 194th anniversary of the dedication of the parish church of Holy Trinity. The celebrant is the Right Rev Calvin Bess, retired Diocesan Bishop.
“We celebrate our Lord leaving his disciples. His parting words were, ‘Go ye into all the world and make men my disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.’ That is where evangelising comes in. It’s a command.”
Poster competition
Also sharing her sentiments on Thy Kingdom Come was Eucharist minister Erica Bayley.
She said: “Thy Kingdom Come ties in the theme of ‘Knowing Jesus Christ’. We are hoping people will be empowered. They will know Jesus better. They will see transformation and improvement in spirituality among everyone.
“There are families in crisis. Wherever you turn, some relationship has gone sour. Let me reflect and take things to God in prayer. We are able to bring troubles and situations to God in prayer.”
She also paid kudos to the children who participated in the poster competition which ended last week Friday.
Bayley said: “They have been given seven I AM verses in John’s Gospel. The task is to create a poster that is reflective of I AM for a period of time. The children’s art pieces will be hung in the church, then we will give out the prizes.
“We have a poster competition in the four parish schools and inner city schools. It is important we recognise we are taking it to the children. The congregation and visitors will get to see the artwork. I want to thank the talented children for their submissions. May God continue to bless them.”
Thy Kingdom Come Itinerary/Theme
• Ascension Day—Morning prayer (MP) and Holy Eucharist (HE)—6.15 a.m.
Friday, May 26
• Repentance and Forgiveness—MP—6.15 am
• Evening service—5 p.m.
Saturday, May 27
• Love and Compassion—HE—5 p.m.
Sunday, May 28
• Faith and Obedience—HE—6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Monday, May 29
• Wisdom—MP and HE—6.15 a.m.
• Evening service—5 p.m.
Tuesday, May 30
• Indian Arrival Day—No activities
Wednesday, May 31
• Self-Control/Strength—MP and HE—6.15 a.m.; noon Eucharist
Thursday, June 1
• Youth (morning)
• Country (evening)—MP and HE—6.15 a.m.
• School service (at Trinity College)—9 a.m.
• Evening service—5 p.m.
Friday, June 2
• Youth—MP and HE—6.15 a.m.
• School service (at Trinity College)—9 a.m.
• Noon Eucharist
• Parish youth groups—5 p.m.
• Lt Edward Robetau, a representative of the Salvation Army, will speak on “Youth, Drug Culture and Gun Violence”.
Saturday, June 3
• Pentecost—Day of Renewal—Bishops/Trinity College East
• Trinity Cathedral—HE—5 p.m.
• Visiting Belize minister Barbara Marie Rosado-McBride will speak on the theme “That Life-Giving Spirit”.
Saturday, June 4
• Pentecost—HE—6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
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