POS top SEA student: Work hard to achieve success

POS top SEA student: Work hard to achieve success

Avyon Duncan, 12, who attended St Catherine’s Girls Anglican school was yesterday honoured by classmates and teachers of her alma mater for being the top SEA student in the Port-of-Spain and environs education district and placing 16th overall in the exam.

“Go to school and do well, work hard to achieve your goals because you cannot be successful in life if you do not put in the hard work. You cannot be successful in your studies by playing games and watching a lot of television,” Duncan advised students at a ceremony in her honour at the school.

Duncan, who passed for her first choice St Joseph Convent, Port of Spain, said she felt very proud and honoured. “I want to encourage others that despite what challenges you may have, keep working hard because I did not reach here by watching plenty of TV. I worked very hard and I am thankful for the support from my aunt Renna Duncan.

“My aunt played a magnificent role in my studies and dedicated all her time and energy to help prepare me for the SEA exam. I must also praise and thank my teacher Miss Miranda Sakawat.”

Interim Rector of the Holy Trinity and the school’s manager Carl Williams said it is an important time for the school and thanks must be given to God for its achievements.

He boasted that every year, St Catherine’s places in the top 20 overall in the SEA. “This year we have a student who placed first in Port of Spain and environs and 16th nationwide. It is an appropriate time to give thanks and celebrate.

“I believe parents are disciplined at this time to know the importance of education for their children and it is important to have a principal who is always thoughtful,” Williams said. He added that the annual award ceremony gives students an incentive to work harder as they prepare for their exams.

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Article Extracted from Newsday: http://newsday.co.tt/2017/09/23/pos-top-sea-student-work-hard-to-achieve-success/