St. Margaret Anglican Parish Hall and Office is open!

St. Margaret Anglican Parish Hall and Office is open!

Keisha Sealey

The Anglican Outlook Newspaper

Monday 22nd January, 2018 marked 15 months since the Parish Family of St. Margaret’s Anglican, Belmont turned the Sod to begin construction on our Parish Hall and Office. On Monday 22nd Jan 2018 we opened the doors to all our Parishioners, supporters, well-wishers and others who supported us along the way with a Dedication service in the Church for our New Parish Hall and Office on Belmont Circular Road, Belmont. The Right Reverend Bishop Claude Berkley was the Chief Celebrant at this Holy Eucharist Service, not to mention other key persons from over the years who helped to make this blessed building a reality.

St. Margaret Parish Hall Opening

We acknowledged the work of our past Clergy, who set the groundwork towards helping to make this day possible; inclusive of Reverend Lystra Barclay, Reverend Lyris Bailey and our current Curate, Canon Fr. Ronald Branche. We acknowledge the many efforts over the past 12 years as we waited and worked towards rebuilding our Parish Hall. To our Architect, Mr. Borde and the Contractor, Mr. Belcon and his workers, we extend our sincerest Thanks. Without your vision, commitment, willingness and dedication we could not have done this. To our many well- wishers, local, regional and international, Thank you…..the time of tithing and praying have turned into blessings where we now have a space through which our various Church Ministries can blossom and flourish. Helping to inspire our community, our families and all of us.

Bishop Berkley, in his sermon to the many people who came out to the Dedication service, reflected on the intent and purpose of proper planning and preparation for the Hall. He applauded Canon Fr. Ronald Branche efforts and vision, exclaiming that “He has a reputation wherever he goes, he likes to build!” This statement was met with applause by the Congregation and humbleness by Fr. Branche. The unveiling of the plaque followed after the Dedication service where blessings by Bishop Berkley took place outside and within the Hall, which was then officially opening for all to view and mingle in. The evening’s proceedings was filled with talent items and interviews and light refreshments for all.

Journalists gathered took the opportunity to meet with key stakeholders, clergy and even interviewed some visitors; all of whom shared their joy at the fact of having lived to see our dream become a reality. The most surprising factor to them was the speed in which from turning the Sod to building took place. It would be remiss of us to say that we are still in need of continued funds. The building is complete; however, we welcome continued support to pay off pending loans that were taken to help make this structure possible. In light of that we welcome you to continue to support all our future fundraising events and to continue to pray with us as we put our hands towards the various Ministries needed to build up our Communities of Belmont and Gonzales.

The Right Reverend Claude Berkley blessing St. Margaret Anglican Parish Hall
Dedication Service for Parish Hall & Office. Photo taken from:

Praise God for all that He has done for his mercies surely endures forever. From us at St. Margaret’s……..THANK YOU!!!