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Heartfelt thanks are extended to ALL on behalf of the Parish of St. Andrew, particularly, the St Sylvan Anglican Church and the Early Childhood Care and Education Fraternity, for their support on the passing of Mrs Lavonne Toppin-Khan. She previously served as Vestry member on the Vestry of the Parish of St. Andrew for many terms, as youth nurturer, passionate Early Childhood Care and Education Administrator/Teacher – at St. Sylvan Anglican ECCE, at St. Ambrose Anglican ECCE and at St. Columba Anglican ECCE, and as ‘cook and bottle-washer’ for many church activities.

Special thanks to Fr. Archer of the St. Matthias Parish who assisted Rev. Fr. Lynch in the conduct of the funeral service on Saturday, May 05th, at the St. Sylvan Anglican church, in the absence of the other 2 Clergy members of our Parish. I thank Parishioners and Vestry members from across our own Parish (comprising St. Sylvan, St Andrew and St Philip) and the ECCE Board members of St. Columba ECCE Centre and St. Ambrose ECCE, who joined parishioners especially from St. Barnabas, St. Paul’s, St. Columba, St. Ambrose, St. Thomas and the multitude of ECCE practitioners, and parents of children who attend ECCE Centres at which Mrs Toppin-Khan worked, for their attendance at her funeral service.
To everyone, too many to individually mention, we appreciate every thought, every word expressed, and every deed enacted. Indeed she will long be remembered. May we all draw on the positive experiences we have had with her, to enrich our own interactions with others as we continue on our life’s journey on this earth.
Lavonne;’s last planned church activity was supposed to be the Mothers’ Day Message at St. Sylvan on Mother’s Day. She did not live to carry through on that, but thanks to Dr Phaedra Pierre who at very late notice delivered an excellent, well-received address.
We say an overall THANK YOU! and Goodbye Lavonne.
May you rest in peace and rise in eternity.