Sehon Goodridge Theological Society Says Thanks

Sehon Goodridge Theological Society Says Thanks

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The Sehon Goodridge Theological Society would like to thank all those who contributed in any way to our Service of Justice & Peace last evening. Thanks to those who prayed for us, who participated in any way, who helped organise, who contributed to the fellowship…everyone who came through the weather. We offer our deepest gratitude and ask Almighty God to bless you all and your respective Ministries. We are already looking forward to next year. God Bless

Source Facebook: @goodridgesociety

Service for Justice and Peace in Honour of   The Late Pat Bishop –


On Sunday 11th November 2018, the 100th anniversary year following the ARMISTICE of World War 1, which ended on 11th November 1918, the Sehon Goodridge Theological Society in Trinidad arranged to conduct an ecumenical Service of Justice and Peace at The St Michael and All Angels Parish Church in Diego Martin at 6:00 pm. The intention was to honour the Late Pat Bishop, artist and devoted member of the Anglican Communion one of whose last works of artistic beauty, The 14 Stations of the Cross, was being highlighted in her memory.

The rain fell in torrents that afternoon and somehow it became a deluge just at the time when the vehicle transporting the instruments for the Birdsong Academy arrived. When it subsided a bit, the youngsters braved the weather and proceeded to do the offloading. By this time the numbers were increasing rapidly and pretty soon when their performance got underway, the Church was filled with attendees waiting to enjoy the delightful programme that was being presented.

Birdsong Academy was carded to perform the opening act with a beautiful rendition of Days of Elijah.

The Reverend Clifford Rawlins, a Lecturer of the Society and Priest in Charge of the Diego Martin United Church an affiliate of the Methodist Church and Scottish Presbyterian Church, did the welcome introduction which was followed by Opening Responses by Sychar House of Prayer.

The programme continued with worshipful performances and scintillating music by Trinity All Generations Steel Orchestra, and singing by Michelle Dowrich, Bishop Anstey High School Choir, Divine Voices Chorale and the Lydian Singers. Amanda Cole O’Neil was, as usual, very powerful with her dramatic poetic performances.

These acts were punctuated by narrations of the  Stations of the Cross  two at a time, by members of  the Sehon Goodridge Theological Society who stood in front of each display of the Stations in their 3-dimemtional beauty on the  inner walls of the St. Michael & All Angels Anglican Church.

Not to be left out are the reflection done by Valerie Taylor of the PALM Foundation and Peter Minshall’s skilful narration of readings from Julian of Norwich and Jackie Hinkson on the life of the Artist, Pat Bishop.

Rev’d Dr. Kolly Clarke recited the Benediction which was followed by the Vote of Thanks by Mr Kenrick Francis, Coordinator of the Sehon Goodridge Theological Society.

The Lydians Singers and Performers interpreted their well known spirited version of Handel’s Massiah and this brought the curtain down on a very meaningful evening of worship, song and music a fitting memorial to the Teacher, Artist, Musician and Philanthropist who was Pat Bishop, a faithful member of the Communion of the Anglican Diocese of Trinidad & Tobago.

The event was indeed a very successful evening in more ways than one.