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A Mandate from The Rt Rev Claude Berkley, Anglican Bishop of
Trinidad and Tobago
Re: COVID-19
Dear Parishioners,
His Lordship the Bishop, The Rt Rev Claude Berkley has requested that as of midday Friday, April 10, 2020 and continuing every day going forward at midday the Covid-19 Prayer to be prayed throughout the Diocese.
Kindly inform all parishioners
Stay Safe. Stay Home
Archdeacon Baldeo
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Forgive our foolish ways. Re-clothe us in our rightful mind, in purer lives thy service find, in deeper reverence praise: (CPWI 499)
Sovereign Lord and Father, Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, we bring before you the current challenges of the Corona Virus across the world, in our Caribbean Lands and in our nation. You are here with us through your Son Jesus Christ our Deliverer, who continually defeats the designs of the devil, and by the moving of the Holy Spirit, allows us to do likewise.
Help us to be free from FEAR, even though the earth be moved, and the mountains be toppled into the depths of the sea; and the mountains tremble at its tumult, remind us O God that you are in the midst.
Dear Father, direct the minds of our doctors and nurses and care givers, the health authorities and government authorities who make decisions on our behalf.
Inspire and move us O God, to full trust in you by our obedience, prayers, compliance with good hygienic practice, and our care for ourselves and each other.
Give healing to those who are ill, grant special protection to those who are vulnerable, enable those researching medical treatment, strengthen and support the medical workers and prevent us from unbelief.
We look to you Heavenly Father for healing, guidance and consolation; we place our lives and times into your hands as we respond in faith, wisdom and hope [through your Son, Jesus Christ] to bring an end to this crisis.
By your Divine favour, let us not leave for you, what we can do for ourselves. By your Divine wisdom, lead us to resolution of our economic, social and emotional challenges as individuals, families, nations and as One world. Make us ever mindful of your purpose and control, through him who ever intercedes for us, our Advocate and Friend, Jesus Christ Our Lord, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.