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Anglican Bishop: Church coped well over Easter

Anglican Bishop the Rt Rev Claude Berkley said the church coped “relatively well” in ministering to its flock amid covid19 restrictions over the Easter weekend.”Usually, at Easter, attendance is higher than usual. But I would say we coped relatively well. Services and prayer meetings were offered by different parishes, mostly on social media,” he told Tobago Newsday .”The response was gratifying, judging from the social media measurement and direct feedback.”The Tobago-born Berkley said parishioners used technology to access the services.
“Another factor of encouragement was the moment of technological advance by persons who hitherto, resisted Many more mature persons would have migrated to social media.”Berkley said although covid19 has changed the way people operate, they have been coping reasonably well so far.”We have been comforting and consoling members and others by telephone and social media. And that expands to e-mail, WhatsApp, Messenger, to actual social distance conversations where possible “to encourage one another to pass the message along.”
“Therefore, the method of evangelism was actively engaged and, to my mind, actively took on new life.”Berkeley said the Anglican clergy is adapting to the covid19 restrictions.”I would say that in the main, we have been working hard and adapting. We have been responsive and quite resourceful in addressing the changed circumstances.”I would remind members of the biblical principle of where two or three are gathered, God is in the midst. Similarly, worship is both corporate and personal, and therefore, with clean hands and a pure heart, worship is affirmed.”
Berkley urged people to fight covid19 by obeying the Government’s restrictions to prevent its spread.”Follow the hygienic procedures. Follow the social distancing and other measures.
“We must do our part and God will take care of us all because God is in control and he will bring it to pass.”