A Wish for the New Year: A Covid-free 2021

A Prayer for the Unemployed: Anglican Bishop Claude Berkley

Anglican Bishop Claude Berkley said his thoughts are on the unemployed, on families who are under strain and those who are vulnerable and unwell. ” I wish the nation good health, prosperity and positive achievement as we move into the months ahead. Given the projections that are being made about stringent economic times and the various strains of the coronavirus and possible further adjustments for fighting the virus, I think that we have to emphasize the gift of faith, hope and love.

“But really, we have to emphasize courage to continue to do what we can do well. We have to look forward to a brighter and better life beyond the current circumstance and all of that will be achieved if we have self-giving love that will hold us together and enable us to keep off any further changes that the country faces at the moment.

“New year blessings on the nation for unity, found and strong relationships, prosperity, and peace. We will pray especially for a relief for the unemployed and for help for families who are under strain, for the vulnerable, and those who are unwell.

“Above all, I think we need to continue to pray for healing for our nation and for dignified and adequate service for all citizens. Wish the nation good health, prosperity and positive achievement as we move into the year ahead of us,” Berkley said.

Extracted from News Extra – Sunday Express 2 January 2021 | Writer: Verdel Bishop