40 Days / 40 Voices: Conversations on the Road to Jerusalem

The Diocese of Canterbury: Lent

In a letter launching the Diocesan theme – Conversations on the Journey – Bishop Trevor wrote, “I sense that there are many transformative, and perhaps risky, conversations yet waiting to happen in our churches. I want us to encourage these in every way that we can.”

40 Days / 40 Voices: Conversations on the Road to Jerusalem

Rather than producing a traditional-style Lent course in 2017 we have produced a daily devotional called 40 Days / 40 Voices. Each day in Lent a different person from the Diocese will offer their response to a part of the biblical story charting Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem from Luke 9:51 all the way to Luke 23:56. The reflections include words, poems, artwork, photography, music. Each day’s response will take the form of a daily email which will include the scripture for the day and the reflection.

Sign up to receive the 40 Days / 40 Voices daily devotional email here.

Catch up with the days you’ve missed so far:

Lent courses from other providers

We know that many will still want to participate in a more traditional Lent course, either in addition to 40 Days / 40 Voices, or instead of it. To help you choose which Lent course is right for your group we have put together a list of some of the most popular Lent resources here.

Review of Archbishop Justin’s Lent book ‘Dethroning Mammon’


The excerpt above was taken from https://www.canterburydiocese.org/lent/