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Lies and gossip.
These are just some of the negative issues which are killing the society said Interim Rector of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-of-Spain, Fr Carl Williams as he urged school children to follow the way of God and to do right during yesterday’s Ash Wednesday service.
Ash Wednesday is the day many Christians, mainly Roman Catholics, mark as the first day of Lent, a time of reflection and penitence leading up to Easter Sunday.
Ashes are “imposed” by a priest, a remainder of the Biblical saying quoted in Genesis Chapter Three Verse 19, “For dust you are and to dust you shall return.”
Saying that no one was without fault, Williams said instead of people helping each other they continuously tear them down with words and deceit.
“What is killing our society is gossip. We spend a lot of time talking talking about one another and we do it for hours. We do it in the offices and we even do it in church instead of listening to the gospel,” Williams said, as he spoke to teachers and pupils of the Christus Rex Anglican School, Trinity Junior and St Catherine’s Girls.
Urging them to pay attention in church, Williams told the children it was important for them, especially during Lent, to read their Bible and pray from the heart in order to establish a true connection with God which would carry them throughout their adult lives.
In reading the commandment to love one another Williams said: “We are called to love one another as we love ourselves but instead there are some who are holding guns and shooting one another.
“This cannot be. It starts in the homes and in the schools where children must be taught, from an early age, to inculcate that feeling of love towards their families, school mates and the wider society.”
Williams said another important factor was appreciating nature as respecting God’s creation was also part of the Gospel. He then made mention of the littered Port-of-Spain streets where people chose to dispose of their rubbish in the drains, roads and along the pavements instead of doing what was right by placing the garbage in the bins.
“Even adults must appreciate God’s creation. Instead of thanking God for another day when they wake up they would simply steups. They do not take time to appreciate the sunrise or a flower and these are the things we take for granted.
“Many people in other parts of the world cannot do that because bombs are raining down on them. In many parts of the world there are famine and drought,” Williams added.
He also encouraged the congregation to give up something for Lent, adding that this must be done willingly.
“Our faces should be happy during Lent. We should be happy that we are giving up something because it is about finding more time to listen to the voice of God and not to be selfish or materialistic,’ Williams added.
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