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7th Sunday After Easter 2021
Broadcast Date: Sunday 16th of May 2021
Location: St Paul Anglican Church, San Fernando, Trinidad
Celebrant: The Rev. Margaret Barker-Caesar
Deacon: Rev. Deane Husbands
Lay Minister: Jill Mc Farlane
Order of Service
Welcome Deacon Deane Husbands
Introit #193 Rejoice the Lord is King
Opening Sentence for Easter from Easter Sentences page #98
Collect for Purity
The Collect for the Seventh Sunday of Easter Page #171
1st Reading Acts 1: 15-17, 21-26
Psalm 1 Page #471
2nd Reading 1 John 5: 9-13
Sequence Hymn #390 We Praise Thee O God
Gospel John 17: 6-19
Sermon Rev. Margaret Barker-Caesar
Greeting of Peace
Offertory Hymn #190 Crown Him with Many Crowns
Eucharistic Prayer
Communion Hymn #604 Let Us Enter Into Covenant With Christ
Post Communion Prayer
Final Blessing / Thank you / Notices
Final Hymn #196 The Head that Once Was Crowned with Thorns