St. Patrick Youth on top of his game

St. Patrick Youth on top of his game

Derron Douglas - St. Patrick Tobago Tennis Player
Derron Douglas

To­bag­on­ian Der­ron Dou­glas, 15, has been named Male Ju­nior Play­er of the Year at the Trinidad and To­ba­go Ta­ble Ten­nis As­so­ci­a­tion 2018. The awards cer­e­mo­ny took place last Sat­ur­day at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre, Or­ange Grove, Tacarigua.

He re­ceived the award as the top-ranked Un­der 15 play­er for the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive year. Be­sides com­plete­ly dom­i­nat­ing the Un­der 15 cat­e­go­ry lo­cal­ly, he was al­so placed in the Un­der 18 cat­e­go­ry.

He has be­come the youngest male play­er, since Aaron Wil­son and Arun Roop­nar­ine, to fin­ish in the top ten in the Na­tion­al Se­niors Rank­ings. He was ranked num­ber eight.

He al­so flew the red, white and black flag along­side U15 Fe­male Cham­pi­on Shreya Ma­haraj in the Pan Amer­i­ca Ju­nior Cham­pi­onship in San­to Domin­go.

Dou­glas was al­so se­lect­ed for and par­tic­i­pat­ed in the In­ter­na­tion­al Ta­ble Ten­nis Fed­er­a­tion (IT­TF) Road to Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) held in Markham, Cana­da.

He was part of the Un­der 21 and Se­niors Caribbean Cham­pi­onship in Ja­maica and earned a bronze medal in the U21 cat­e­go­ry. He was al­so a mem­ber of the men se­nior team which al­so earned a bronze medal.



Qual­i­fied for Cadet and Ju­nior Cham­pi­onships (2018)—1st in Un­der-15 (boys).


Sil­ver Bowl—Ju­niors

Boys Un­der-15—1st

Boys Un­der -18—1st


Par­tic­i­pat­ed in CRT­TF Caribbean Cadet & Ju­niors Cham­pi­onships, Ha­vana, Cu­ba

Teams Un­der-15—3rd place, bronze

Named Sec­ondary School Male Ath­lete of the Year 2017—To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly Sports Award for 2017

Sil­ver Bowl Se­niors, Tacarigua, Trinidad

Der­ron Dou­glas, A2 play­er, played ver­sus A1 play­ers:

Der­ron 3 vs An­drew Ed­wards 0 (won)

Der­ron 3 vs Li­onel Dar­cuiel 1 (won)

Der­ron 3 vs Alar­ic Humphreys 1 (won)


He was se­lect­ed to par­tic­i­pate in the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) 2018. He was the youngest male play­er (14 years) in the Un­der-18 tour­na­ment.


So­lo Na­tion­als Ju­niors—Sin­gles-Un­der-15—1st place, gold

Mixed Dou­bles—2nd place, sil­ver


So­lo Na­tion­als Se­niors—Round 68 vs Nico­lai Bar­bour-Alex­is, 3-1

Par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Pan Amer­i­can Ju­nior Ta­ble Ten­nis Cham­pi­onships in San­to Domin­go, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic.

Sin­gles: Group stage: Der­ron vs Ter­rence Young (Cana­da)—(3-0)

Der­ron vs Claude Hoek (Aru­ba)—(4-1)

Der­ron vs Ser­gio Big­nar­di(Brazil)—(3-1)


Par­tic­i­pat­ed in World Ju­nior Cir­cuit Cham­pi­onship in El Sal­vador

Sin­gles: Group Stage: Der­ron vs PUR—(2-3)

Der­ron vs Guatemala—(3-1)

Der­ron vs El Sal­vador —(3-0)

Sin­gles round 32—Der­ron vs Guatemala —(3-1)

round 16—Der­ron vs Brazil—(2-3)


Par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 60th Se­nior IT­TF Cham­pi­onship tour­na­ment in Ja­maica—Un­der-21 play­er

Sin­gles: Group Stage: Der­ron vs Mar­cus Smith (Bar­ba­dos)—(3-1)

Der­ron vs Jose Nave­do (PUR)—(3-1)

Der­ron vs Maxime Graignion—(GLP)—(3-1)

Placed 1st in groups

Sin­gles: Quar­ter­fi­nals: Der­ron vs Bar­ba­dos—(3-1 win)

Sin­gles: Semis: Der­ron vs Bar­ba­dos—(1-3)

Trin­ba­go Open

Un­der-15………..1st place

Un­der-18 ………..1st place


Sco­tia Schools Tour­na­ment

Rep­re­sent­ed Bish­ops High School: Teams: 2nd Place

Dou­bles: 2nd Place


Sco­tia Schools: Sin­gles Un­der-15 Boys: 1st place
